Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She said...

BWO: Mommy, watch me dance. Mommy are you watching me?
Mommy: Yes, I'm watching. WOW look at those moves!
BWO: I have skillz?
Mommy: Yes Big wee one, you have mad skillz.

I am still chuckling at the way she said, "Mommy, do I have skillz" Like she's a hip-hop pro...which (of course) she is!

She just walked in while I was uploading the picture and I asked her if she had lip gloss on.

BWO: Yup. I got it at the lip gloss store. The princess lip gloss store.
She is on a roll today, while typing the above:
BWO: Mommy, why did you give me this bracelet? Because you think I'm sweet and you truly love me?

Gosh, I DO LOVE this girl...and I love that she's 4!! I love her so much I had to add a video clip of her from this very! Enjoy...hope she makes you laugh too!


Our Journey to Rachel said...

Okay, BWO is so darn cute! OMG! I just love her. I love how she ended it with "Barack Obama!" I see a future star in the works!


Jaclyn Gervais, LMT said...

She is such a little ham! How fun!