Speaking of time flying! Big wee one finished her first year of "school" at Mom's Day Out about 2.5 weeks ago. She had a great year, and a frustrating year. Definetly a year of trials and tribulations. She is not a child who likes change sprung on her. She needs to be aware of what is going to happen and when it's going to happen. Every night before bed we have to run down what is going to happen when she wakes up in the morning, and as soon as she wakes up we review what we are going to do that day. We can't do anything that's not on the list or it just messes her up COMPLETELY! It is very frustrating! She is also a grump when she wakes up, so put those two together, and she could be extremely difficult to pick up at MDO...one, because she was sleeping (sometimes) when I would come to pick her up (who decided pick up during nap time was a good idea?? anyone?? helloooo??? are you out there?? tip: it's not a good idea to pick your child up during nap time. incase you were wondering), so i would have to wake her, and thus that would lead into the whole "she wasn't prepared for me to be there part of the day", which would then lead to a mind-altering melt down, and Mommy (aka: ME) feeling like I might do something that could be potentially harmful (she better be counting her lucky stars she's in public right now kind of thing), and that I'm a horrible mom because of my spazzing child, and no, I don't appreciate the fact (says the teacher) that a lot of kids do that. It doesn't make me feel better....anywho...let's just say it was a difficult year, and I'm ready for the summer and carefree days of playing in the baby pool and eating popsicles, all with the help from my trusty sidekick...K. Here is Big wee one the first day of school, and the last :-) The first day of school, I got to pick her outfit...by the end of the year, she picked her outfits. Can you tell?? Just wait it gets better.
Time is still flying by...
We had the lacrosse banquet on Tuesday night, along with a work meeting (for me), it was a BUSY week here in Flohr land! The season seemed to go by pretty quickly. The guys did great this year and Paul is already missing it. Usually he needs a couple of weeks to detox, but after about a week he was missing his pal "Horn" (or Hornie...whichever you prefer) and some of the guys. What a great group of kids! We'll miss the sr's for sure!
Seniors...and then the whole team. Below is a picture of Big wee one with her BESTEST friend in the WHOLE world (here lately!) Mr. C (otherwise known as Horn or Hornie)...seriously, they are best friends! And Mr. C (I like that better then the other names) is really great with both of the girls! He plays with them, which is why Big wee one has a man crush on him, and acts goofy with them...it's sweet. This is not the only picture I have of them from that night, but in the other ones Big wee one is showing him nerds in her mouth. It's kinda gross. I'll spare you.
Remember a couple of posts ago, I mentioned we were going to the zoo...well here are those pics. See, time does fly! Freakin' FAST!
Earlier, I said "It gets better"...this is what I meant.
This is how Big wee one dressed herself one morning. At least she is wearing all pink and brown...girl's got some style! hehe! Laster that day, we chalked her body.
The following pics are from the past month, which basically...FLEW BY!
Little wee one has MAJOR allergies...here she is with a completey annoying eye issue...poor thing. And just so you don't think that I don't take pics of Little wee one, I do, its just hard to get a good pic of her, whereas Big wee one is a poser. So, I'm going to do my best to pic out a few good ones of Little wee to show her off as well :-)
I don't have any pictures of this, but yesterday Paul and I played in a golf tournament for the Chamber of Commerce and had an awesome time!! It's been many years since I've actually played for meaning, let alone play 18 holes, so I was pretty proud of myself. I won the closest to the pin contest for the ladies :-) and then I won a door prize :-) We played with that Hornie guy, and Mr. Vanilla (hope you are feeling better big D!!) We really had a good time!!
Tomorrow is the grand opening of Roy Pitz Brewery which will be an all day event, so I must get some beauty sleep. Leave us a comment if you are visiting...I know I sneak around a lot of peeps blogs from way back in the day...so if you catch mine, let me know :-) Good night!
1 comment:
As usual what a cute family. And I thought I was a busy person until I started reading your blog. Your definitely just as busy!!!!
I've totally picked up Isabella during " nap time" um not a good idea AT ALL... Cranky is an understatement....
Love reading your blog!
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