Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

  1. AppleFest 2008 is THIS Saturday, October 18th from 9am - 4pm...downtown Chambersburg. I'll be there at 5 am if you feel like stopping by and bringing me a cup 'o joe :-)
  2. Things with Big wee one still aren't great. Getting a little better, but she's still so wishy washy. It's frustrating, but we are working through it. That's what wine was created for...all that whining!
  3. I think I'm getting sick. My throat has that scratchy feeling you get before you lose your voice. Lovely, right before my VERRRYY long day on Saturday. Maybe I just scratched my throat on a chip at lunch. Keep your fingers crossed.
  4. I had lunch with my friend today at the new Italian cafe' downtown and it was very yummy! You should go there, and bring a bottle of wine :-)
  5. I sent in my deposit for a 3 day crop in November! I'm super excited and I'm hoping to get a LOT done!
  6. We had Taco Tuesday at my brother's house...sounds like he'll be leavingggg on a jet plane, don't know when he'll be back again; on either Saturday or Sunday :( We didn't even get to carve pumpkins :(
  7. Tomorrow morning I have a Christmas committee meeting, and I have to bring the girls. I'm hoping drawing on the dry erase board will keep them occupied and Big wee one won't suddenly get mad at me for something infront of everyone! I may need to bring....GUM.
  8. I got a cute little book in the mail today from girl Lele...thanks Lele!
  9. Fall in PA is GORGEOUS! The weather is perfect, the trees are beautiful...what a gorgeous day today was!
  10. I wanted to be asleep by 8:30 tonight...it is now 8:40. Hmmmm...how's that working out for me...lol


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